Thursday 23 April 2009

Training Progress

I haven't put my thoughts down for a bit, but inbetween blogs I have completed a 14 mile walk and a 16 mile.

My foot was playing up still so I have laid off training too heavily inbetween, but I walk on average 2 miles a day with our dogs, so up until now, have thought this sufficient whilst I nursed my foot.

However, with just over 3 weeks until the big day, I think I should tick all of the training off, just in case!

Walk the Walk over the last week has distributed the packs we all get, including the bra to be decorated. They, in their wisdom, have sent me a Wonderbra.

Now, those of you who know me well, know I don't really have a need to enhance my assets any more. (A bit of uplift maybe, but still..) Even when they were launched when I was in my 20's, I was quite blessed with charms, and didn't possess one. My flatmate at college, never went out without hers!! Mind you, with hindsight, her hit rate was better....

Walk the Walk, send me a lovely Freya bra last year, but I opted to decorate one of my own. (See the picture for Mum's handiwork) However, I have stored the Freya bra, and thanks to the gods of stomach bugs, I have lost a bit of weight recently, and have decided perhaps I will dye and use that one.

I think the theme this year is Strictly Come Dancing. I feel feathers coming on...

Monday 6 April 2009

Gotta have faith in your footwear - Training Diary #2

After a week of feeling very sorry for myself and being, to be frank, extremely unwell, I was beginning to doubt whether 26 miles in 6 weeks was a reality.

To cheer myself up between feeling nauseous and trying to absorb water, I had to invest in some new trainers for the big event.  Last year, I bought a fab pair of Asics trainers, that cost an arm and a leg, and I swear they carried me around the Moonwalk course.

However, these high tech beasties were fantastic, but the gel does wear down in them, and I was starting to feel a bit of strain on my muscles and joints on the longer walks this year.

In Windsor, there is a brilliant little chain of shops called Swim, Bike, Run (does exactly what is says on the tin - Swimming, Bikes and Bike Gear, and top Running Gear) so I went down for a chat, and they showed me the updated version of last years trainers (with the updated price - £130!!)  So the chap fitted them for me, pointed out how the laces are shaped to help your bone structure in your foot, and showed me a new way of tying them!

I then tested them out on a couple of 2 miles walks with the dogs, and I seemed to bounce along nicely, especially with my dri fit socks as well.

So today was the tester.  I aimed to walk up to 12 miles - a test for the trainers, and for me, as after last weeks bug, yesterday was the only day I had managed 3 square meals, without feeling awful afterwards.

On my first stretch along the river, I bumped into my friend Matt, who was on lock duty.  He offered me a cup of tea, which I turned down as I was early into my walk.  I was to regret that later.  After a quick catch up, me and my new trainers bounced upon our way.

The lesson to learn today was that I should have brought a bit of change out for extra water and stashed a chocolate bar in my jacket.  I kept going for 9 miles and then slowed.  My legs had given up the juice and whilst I probably could have forced myself home, I listened to my body, decided I was too dehydrated, and phoned for my lift.

All in all, I am very happy with my trainers, only one small blister, and not too many aches!

Must remember to equip myself to get more water next week!

Friday 3 April 2009

WTW Training Diary #1

According to the Full Marathon Training plan, this week I should aim to:

Sunday: Relax and Stretch
Monday: Any other Activity
Tuesday: 4 miles (increase exertion)
Wednesday: Any other activity
Thursday: 6 miles - intervals
Friday: Relax and Stretch
Saturday: 12 miles - distance and speed.

Thanks to the recent plague of bugs going about, and the bad weather at the weekend, my actual diary looks like this:

Sunday: Godmother at Christening - followed by 3 course meal with obligatory pudding at the end.
Monday: 10 mile walk (should have done previous Saturday) Very good time. Followed by Sports Massage, Followed by pub dinner.
Tuesday: Entire day being very ill with stomach bug. Lay in bed when I could, and tried to drink water.
Wednesday: Too weak to even celebrate the 4lbs weighloss! Went to school play though and laughed my head off. (Secret Diary of Adrian Mole)
Thursday: Swept patio and had to sit down for an hour. Starting to panic over training!!

I intend to try and walk tomorrow and complete the assigned 12 miles on Sat, but it seems a long way off!

The reason I am doing the walk is mainly because my Mum had Breast Cancer 2 years ago, and some friends in their 30's have also had it.

The diary is intended to keep me going for the next few weeks! And also when I hit lower motivation, I can read back on it.

If you are a moonwalker too and want to share your experiences, feel free to post!